During the recent months of Circuit Breaker, I observed an ongoing trend that I wanted to address and share my thoughts about – Type 2 Diabetes – Awareness, prevention and dietary improvements for those with the condition.
When the government announced the ban of sales for bubble tea and dessert stalls, the public made a dash for these products, including those amongst me. Not being a fan of bubble tea, I was surprised to see the effects it had on my fellow friends and how they actually felt deprived if they had no access to it.
According to the World Health Organisation, Diabetes, often coupled with obesity is considered a worldwide epidemic and is especially prevalent in affluent countries. Singapore is not spared by this growing trend as well. From the National Health Survey conducted in 2010 by the Ministry of Health, the country currently has more than 440,000 Singapore residents (18 years and above having diabetes in 2014) affected by diabetes and this is estimated to grow to 1,000,000 in 2050. Based on the current population, this could mean 1 in 6 amongst us will have to live with this condition.
To give a brief summary, Diabetes occurs when the body produces insufficient insulin — a hormone that keeps the blood sugar level balanced — or alternatively, does not respond properly to insulin, resulting in a high amount of sugar in the blood.
There are three main types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes (usually inherited and cannot be prevented), type 2 diabetes (the most common type of diabetes and can be prevented) and gestational diabetes (occurs during pregnancy).
Although diabetes is not fatal in the short term, undiagnosed diabetes or poorly-controlled diabetes can eventually lead to disabilities and diseases, compromising the quality of life of individuals and their caregivers. The progression to these complications is quickened when diabetes is poorly controlled. Some diseases such as obesity, heart attack, stroke and kidney failure related to diabetes can also lead to premature death and disability.
At my bakery, Delcie’s Desserts and Cakes, I endeavor to share how clients with these conditions can still enjoy quality treat options* and not worry if their sugar levels will spike.

Through research and development, and with my 13 years of experience in this area, I have developed a range of diabetic friendly range that is void of cane sugar, one of the key ingredients in dessert making. Instead of using cane sugar (High glycemic index (G.I). 80-85), I make my bakes using variant of 4 different type of Low G.I. natural sweeteners i.e. organic stevia blend with erythritol (G.I. 0), allulose (G.I. 0), organic coconut sugar (G.I. 38) and organic agave (G.I. 15).
There are definitely options in the market with low sugar, diabetic friendly or low carb claims, however being a Sensitive Chef, given the nature of our target audience; we take what we do and proclaim with extreme caution. I understand the concerns our customers have and I want to ensure our products are truly safe for their consumption.
For starters, to give our customers further assurance, we sent our most decadent bakes for an official independent Low G.I. certification by the only G.I. Lab in South East Asia for glucose testing on random subjects under controlled settings. This is an exclusive test that is extremely time consuming and high in cost to achieve. Besides that, the product has to taste good because actual human subjects will be taste-testing every single products we sent over and over again.
The results were extremely positive and I am proud to share that we are the only cake maker in South East Asia that have products officially certified low G.I. Our officially certified diabetes friendly range now includes bestselling Mud Fudge, Rocher chocolate balls, Tiramisu, Rocher Cake, Opera Cake, Blue and Red Forest cakes, Cheesecakes, Cookies and even seasonal products like Pineapple tarts/balls.
Many of our new products are being tested at the moment to offer customers “more certified” dining options. Last but not least, the cherry on the cake (pun absolutely intended) is that it still taste as good as a normal cake!
*It is highly recommended for a person with diabetes condition to only consume sweetener below 55 G.I points. Cakes, similarly to the rice we consume daily, they contain calories and must be consumed in moderation of 1 (one) serving slice (80g) per day.
Sensitive Chef Delcie has made it her mission to make healthy cakes accessible to everyone, readily and easily. The bakery now retails online through their website at https://delcies.com and even with key ecommerce partners like Getz, Food Panda, Grabfood, and Red Mart.