Halal Certified Bakery

 HPB Healthier Choice Bakery Partner

Cakes for sensitive diet, without sacrificing the taste you love 

FREE delivery on orders above $180. Not applicable to customised cake.

Certified Low in G.I Diabetic Friendly Cakes


Dear fans and friends of Delcie’s,


My heartfelt THANKS for including Delcie’s Desserts as part of your many celebrations.


When the bakery was established, I was a one man team operating out of a dimmy 100sqft kitchen. Over the years, I faced financial woes, battled with a bout of depression after my mother’s passing from cancer, struggled with ingredient availability, and challenged social stigmas surrounding desserts amongst many others. The journey was tough, but I never gave up.

I offer my eternal gratitude to my husband (then boyfriend) for inspiring me to bake even healthier and most importantly YOU, my customers whom gave me encouragement and courage to sustain this business when it was not even profitable.

With your constructive feedback, from product taste, service to pricing, we take them in our stride and continue to reinvent and improve ourselves.

Today, at Delcie’s, I am proud to be part of a 10 women team whom I am in debt to for keeping operations running while I focus on product research and development to better serve the needs of the community. Through this, we are able to offer an even wider dessert range to include customers whom are on non-medical specific diets to jump on our bandwagon to eating healthy.

Just like how we started with organic products, then vegan based to the ketogenic range today, the future for Delcie’s Desserts will continue to be inspired my personal encounters and your stories. I do invite you, my dear customers to come up and share your stories and challenges with me for you are the basis of my success story.

Being the “Sensitive Chef” that I am, I will continue to steer Delcie’s Desserts towards an all-inclusive and accessible bakery. We strive to satisfy the needs of our customers through products of the highest quality whilst keeping prices competitive. Customers can look forward to more  value add from us this year, kicking off anniversary festivities with more rebates online and accessibility to our products too through grocery and food app partnerships.

Lastly to celebrate our milestone of making it to TEN, I made it a personal mission to give back to the community.  This year, I have embarked on a CSR project that is close to my heart – the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) – Jeans for Genes programme. Fundraising commences in April and I have nominated the sales of my debut recipe book Delcie’s DESSERTS and CAKES towards the programme. All sales proceeds from the book in store will go to the support of Cancer Genetics Testing.

Here’s wishing another ten beautiful years to us and thank you for being part of our journey!



p/s: I also welcome any schools or institutes who would like me to guest speak about common dietary misconceptions and eating healthy.

More 10th Anniversary activities will be released on our Instagram or Facebook page in May. Be sure to follow us!