Halal Certified Bakery

 HPB Healthier Choice Bakery Partner

Cakes for sensitive diet, without sacrificing the taste you love 

FREE delivery on orders above $180. Not applicable to customised cake.

Certified Low in G.I Diabetic Friendly Cakes

Fortune Centre undergoing Renovation on 3rd March 2014

With effect from 3rd March 2014 (Mon), all Delcie’s product will NOT be available at its Fortune Centre outlet.

Fortune Centre branch will be re-branded into a concept cake store called Kwan Im Cake – selling only eggless, dairyfree and diabetic friendly lotus cake.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. We look forward to your continual support to Delcie’s at 951 Upper Serangoon Rd. (with effect from 25th July 2014, we have moved to Blk 34 Whampoa West #01-83 Boon Keng MRT)