Halal Certified Bakery

 HPB Healthier Choice Bakery Partner

Cakes for sensitive diet, without sacrificing the taste you love 

FREE delivery on orders above $180. Not applicable to customised cake.

Certified Low in G.I Diabetic Friendly Cakes

In Year 2022.

Dear Valued Customers and Friends of Delcie’s Desserts,

Warming greetings in the New Year!

2022 marks the third year we face these pandemic times as a World, a community, an individual.

With the Lunar New Year festival, a key period of reunion amongst friends and families typically come together to celebrate just around the corner, we feel for and empathize with the sentiments of our clients and fellow team members as they continue to be separated from their loved ones.

As a community, 2022 will also be the year we face the most challenges as we gradually recover from the consequences of social distancing, production slow down, we had over the two years.

As a fellow business owner operating during these pandemic times, Delcie’s Desserts were also not spared by the implications of economic inflations and supply chain costs transfers. With rising costs of logistics, electricity hikes, ingredient scarcity and manpower changes, we had to embrace and adapt as product quality is the key driving force behind our business and value proposition to our clients.

The past 12 months were the toughest, as we did not want to pass this costs to our valued clients.

As we now move into 2022, we seek our client’s understanding that we will need to announce a price increase for our products, to continue serving our community with premium good quality, and healthier desserts for everyone to indulge.

At Delcie’s Desserts, we sincerely hope that our community can tide through this times together and allow Delcie’s Desserts to continue to be part of your key celebrations, bringing joy to everyone that enjoys desserts!

Yours Sincerely,
Delcie Lam.