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Lessons Learned from Mum

You are your mother’s greatest gift, her shining star, her joy and pride.

Honestly, being a mother is a long and arduous journey, but it also flies by faster than one can savour each moment.

As a mother myself, when I looked back at my daughter’s younger photos, I wish I could return back to those cuter times too.

Funny that I thought it was tough caring for 2 little babies then. But the role of parenting never stop. I’ll never stop worrying about them. This is the time I realised my mum never stopped worrying about me too. 

Every step of the way, a mother tries to be the village you need, guiding you to the best of her ability. 

Mother may not be perfect, but in her own language of loving, her intentions are in the right place of wanting the best for you.

When I think about my mother, she portrayed a strong woman character, fighting to achieve her goals and yet, gave so much love and attention to the people around her.

Her greatest gift to me was teaching me how to love and giving me the courage to be whoever I want. 

I’m curious, what is the greatest gift or lesson you’ve received from your mum?