Halal Certified Bakery

 HPB Healthier Choice Bakery Partner

Cakes for sensitive diet, without sacrificing the taste you love 

FREE delivery on orders above $180. Not applicable to customised cake.

Certified Low in G.I Diabetic Friendly Cakes

NCCS - Jeans for Genes Charity Fund Raising Campaign


The biggest motivation behind my passion for healthy baking and living, started ever since my mother passed away from cancer 10 years ago. I wished that technology was this advanced then that more people could understand their cancer risk and embark on healthier living. I hope to raise funds and awareness to inspire and enable more people to take action, get tested and join us in the fight against cancer.

(charity drive had ended) For a single donation of $60 and more, you could redeem a recipe book “Delcie’s Desserts and cakes” (retail at 59.90) which features a selection of 50 healthy vegan recipes which use low-GI natural sweetness in place of refined cane sugar at our outlet. (charity drive had ended)

Address: Blk 34 Whampoa West #01-83 S330034, (Boon Keng MRT Exit B)
Operation hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 12.00nn to 7.30pm (closed every Monday and PH)

Donation has closed. We have managed to raise our target value of $2000.


By: Alson Tan, Corporate Communications

corporate photo for Jeans for Genes Cancer Fund Raising Campaign

Ms Delcie Lam from Delcie’s Desserts and Cakes was an enthusiastic supporter of NCCS Jeans for Genes campaign  that was launched in April 2019. The campaign was advertised at the dessert store front, social media pages and even through a press release. Delcie also fundraised for the cause by selling her recipe book. NCCS is grateful for such enthusiastic, big-hearted individuals and companies that support the cancer cause. Why support Jeans for Genes? We speak to Delcie to find out more.

Read More on NCCS website