Halal Certified Bakery

 HPB Healthier Choice Bakery Partner

Cakes for sensitive diet, without sacrificing the taste you love 

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Certified Low in G.I Diabetic Friendly Cakes

Spiral Flaky Pandan Lotus with Peach Gum Snow Fungus (Cane Sugar Free)

Loyal fans of Delcie’s Desserts will rave about our ever popular Pandan lotus mooncake creation years ago when we managed to achieve that right balance of sweetness with a light aromatic fragrance of this unique Asian leaf. One might even argue that is the fundamental to almost all Asian desserts.

This year our spiral flaky pandan lotus box gets a facelift and nourishing boost with the addition of Peach Gum Snow Fungus as its filling.

Peach gum is an oil naturally secreted from wild Chinese peach trees that accumulates on a peach tree’s branches. This amber looking gemstone is detailed in Chinese medicinal literature to have anti-ageing, collagen boosting, thirst quenching and even stress relieving properties. When taken frequently, it is known to eliminate the look of wrinkles, increase joint and muscle growth, even improving sleep quality.

Inspired by the crave for traditional health enhancing dessert, the team at Delcie’s decided to create a premium grade peach gum filling to incorporate into their famous flaky Teochew mooncake pastry.

Made cane sugar free, this nourishing combo of peach gum, snow fungus and lotus took many rounds of research and development to achieve a natural balance of gummy bounce from the peach gum and crunch from the flaky mooncake skin, all in one bite. Every element is slow cooked with pandan leaves, with no additional cane sugar and individually crafted by our loving pastry team.

Consumers can expect to bite into a flaky Teochew mooncake crust that evolves into a collagen and nutrient packed pandan lotus, peach gum chewy middle that not only excites the sense but enriches the body.

This collagen boost is guaranteed to please as one enjoys this dessert.
Enjoy this gastronomic delight with Delcie’s today.